The Blended Guest Freezer-Stocking Program
Blended For You was developed out of a passion for helping people eat well and live healthy, energetic lives. Our delicious, frozen, ready-to-blend or spoon-from-the-pouch, smoothies are mega-nourishing and packed with protein. Always plant-based, gluten-free, zero-refined sugar.
Why Stock Blended Smoothies
We’ve done our share of work and personal travel, as well as longer stays in furnished suites. The Blended Freezer Stocking program was designed to help your guests balance the hustle of travel with personal health. Sometimes we all just want (and need) something quick that is going to make our taste buds happy, energize and get us out the door.
Blended smoothies are an easy way to provide your guests with a unique offering: quick, nourishing breakfast or midday snack on-the-go. Perfect for the busy work traveler, avid activity-goer (in-room or take for the day), and those needing a little morning-after recovery (cue The Remedy blend).
How it Works
- Stock a selection of blends in your in-room freezers (like a mini-bar).
- Allow guests to order their blends of choice daily or for the duration of their stay; this option is great for a more personalized offering.
Handling & Prep
The blends are stored frozen and stocked in guest room freezers. If guests are ordering daily, they can be stocked in their room fridge to thaw and enjoy that day or the next.
Prep: let thaw and spoon straight from the pouch or blend with liquid (cold water or plant-based milks). For blending, a simple blender like a Nutri-Bullet is all that’s needed. The Chia Energy Bowl is spoon-from-the pouch only.
Blended will provide product information & how-to enjoy cards.
Sample Menu
Green Beginnings
Calories: 300 Protein: 16g
banana, avocado, organic spinach & kale, lemon, sprouted protein, turmeric, ginger
anti-inflammatory, immunity, heart health
The Nutty Athlete
Calories: 360 Protein: 21
banana, organic spinach, almond butter, sprouted protein, turmeric, magnesium
endurance, recovery, anti-inflammatory
Maca Energy
Calories: 350 Protein: 20g
banana, almond butter, cacao, hemp seeds, sprouted protein, maca
energy, hormone & mood balancing
Nutty Chocolate Lover
Calories: 390 Protein: 20g
banana, cauliflower, almond butter, sprouted protein, hemp seeds, cacao
antioxidants, energy, mood balancing
Inside & Out Açai
Calories: 300 Protein: 19g
blueberries, raspberries, banana, hemp seeds, sprouted protein, açai
antioxidants, immunity, heart health
The Green Remedy
Calories: 320 Protein: 18g
pineapple, banana, spinach, ginger, turmeric, coconut, dandelion root, spirulina, vitamin b-12 booster, sprouted protein
immunity, recovery, mental energy
Chia Energy Bowl*
Calories: 310 Protein: 10g
banana, cauliflower, chia, almond butter, coconut milk, cacao, hemp seeds
energy, mood elevation, antioxidants
* This is a zero-prep product and can be stored in the fridge for 3 days.
Delivery Options
If you aren’t interested in stocking the blends on-site, but would like to offer a unique perk for your extended-stay residents, we’re happy to put together a special rate and ordering info-card (we’ll handle the ordering and delivery direct-to-door).
We’d love to curate the perfect offering for your guests. Please contact us at to learn more.