7 Big-Impact Nutrition Habits to Start Now
One Week to Healthier Habits
When you start feeling tired, sluggish, bloated, brain fogged and generally rundown, your body is telling you it needs something. Your gut and nutrition play a huge role in all of these symptoms (trust your gut!), which means both a focused heath reset & then regular daily nutrition habits go a long way in helping reduce inflammation and bloating, increasing your energy levels, keeping your immune system strong and mind healthy. Let's get to it!
7 Big-Impact Habits
Here are seven habits to practice when your body needs a recharge and reset on eating habits. Try sticking to all the tips for a full week, then do another week if that feels right for you.
If you don’t need a reset, but just want to get into better regular habits, try the 80-20 rule: keep it clean at least 80% of the time, use the other 20% as your wiggle-room for indulgences and ‘not-so healthy, but you love them’ foods.
1. Avoid refined sugar & syrups: this rule helps avoid all the treat foods that might be lingering in your cupboards. Naturally occurring sugars in whole foods like fruits and veggies are ok. Check the ingredient list packaged and prepared foods nutrition panels (watch for sugar, fructose, corn syrup, rice syrup, molasses, caramel, maltose, cane sugar, invert sugar).
2. Drop the gluten (and any gluten-free foods that are highly processed): avoid breads, pastas & cereals and breaded foods. Bread-lovers, this is a short term thing - removing gluten from your diet for a week or more is a great way to tell if it is causing an inflammation reaction in your body. Reintroduce in moderate amounts.
3. Go Cow Dairy-free: skip the yogurt, milk, cheeses all together (small amounts of sheep & goat cheeses are ok). Keep it moderate post-reset, too. Pro-tip: watch for added sugar in plant-based yogurts.
4. Go whole foods & plant-based (or mostly plant-based): we love all things plant-based eating, but know it's not for everyone. During your reset, avoid all non-organic animal proteins and skip red meat and shellfish. The focus: veggies, fruits, grains (quinoa is a staple), sweet potatoes (and family), healthy fats, smaller amounts of proteins. Avoid processed and fried foods. If you'd like a foods list to follow, please email us for your Blended Clean Foods List (this is a great 80-20 list to follow).
5. Be Beverage-Wise & Hydrate: one cup of coffee a day is ok, but tea is a better bet. No sugary drinks. Alcohol gets a break (sorry, this is a big zero units). Check the sodium content on bottled bevs. Drink loads of water (+ lemon &/or cucumber) - aIm for 12 glasses a day (3 litres) during the reset week, then stick to a minimum of 8 to 10 post.
Pro-tip: put a hydration tracker on your data device & get your first 2 glasses (8 oz each) checked off as soon as you wake up.
6. Watch the Sauces & Dips: keep an eye out for high sodium, sugar-packed sauces and dressings. Stick to olive oil bases & natural ingredients.
7. Set Up an Eating Schedule: keeping your metabolism and energy up and also reducing cravings for quick salt/sugar/caffeine fixes. Check out the sample below and set one up that’s right for your daily schedule.
Post health-reset, stick to the above at least 80% of the time to keep your body and mind energized and healthy. If you have specific health questions you’d like help with and/or blend recommendations for your taste buds and health goals, please email us.
Sample Eating Schedule
Sample Schedule
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM |
Breakfast |
10:00 AM |
Morning Snack |
12:30 to 1:30 PM |
Lunch |
3:30 PM |
Afternoon Snack |
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM |
Dinner |
Happy Healthy-Habits Setting!