7 Health-Reset Tips to try for 5 Days
Reset & Energize with Us
Summer burnout is a thing. Hot weather, busy schedules, travel and the general hustle of getting the most we can out of every single warm weather day can lend to some longing for routine. Our physical health can also feel the effects of the Summer ride. To help you transition into September, we're sharing seven things we do to start getting our health and energy back in check.
Try them for 5 days and let us know how you feel.
Ramp up your hydration: try 3 litres (12 glasses) of water every day. You'll see a big change in your skin, a reduction in inflammation & bloating, and boost in energy levels. Add cucumber & lemon for an alkalizing health boost.
Avoid salt: skip adding it to your food and opt for lower-salt options when eating out (your taste buds will actually come alive).
Cut-back on alcohol: we all know zero is best for our minds and bodies. Even just five days will help reduce inflammation, support sweet sleeps, and help your skin glow.
Get into a daily greens habit: whether it's your favorite Blended green smoothie or a big salad, get into the 'big greens every day' habit. It helps keep your system regular, energy up and supports cellular health.
Cold Shower: amazing for supporting your nervous system & bringing anxiety levels down. End your shower with 60 to 90 seconds of cold water (30 front, 30 back and then finish with your head).
Practice "30 Minutes for Me" Mornings: before you look at your phone and start scrolling, get up and move for 30 minutes (or more). Hit your fave class, get outside for a run or walk, lift those weights. It's not as hard as you think and the mind-body benefits are huge. Besides, you can do anything for 5 days.
30-minutes of mindfulness: a data-device-free session of walking, meditation, yoga, swimming, hiking - any 30 minute session without technology and just your own thoughts (see the point above). Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful.
All of our blends are designed to nourish, energize, keep your mind and body healthy, and make taste buds happy. Here are our top 6 picks for health-resetting:
Try one of our 3-Day Cleanse plans.
Want help setting up a Blended program that's right for your taste buds and health goals? We'd love to help. Please email us.