Tips from Inside & Out Expert Dr. Tessa Stark
Nutrition for Beauty & Healthy Aging
Over here at Blended for You, we know that beauty starts on the inside. It goes without saying that we mean personality, kindness, and more. But, can you improve your skin, hair and overall appearance by eating better? Absolutely. Today, we’re talking about Beauty and Healthy Aging, one of the key health-focus categories of blends we’ve created to not only be your daily dose of mega-nutrition, but also specifically support your skin, hair, and overall glow.
Don’t just take our word for it, we sought expert advice from our friends at Plain Jane Skin Bar. Here’s what we learned when we shared a smoothie with Dr. Tessa Stark, Plain Jane’s Naturopathic Doctor.
Q& A with Dr. Tess Stark
BFY: We created some of our blends, like the Acai Radiance, with ingredients like antioxidant-rich berries & dark leafy greens, bamboo silica, hemp seeds & biotin, all with a goal of supporting hair & skin health. Do you see a link with your clients in what they eat (& drink) and the effect on their skin/hair?
TS: Yes, 100%! We can do a lot in terms of topical treatments and products, but what we eat really makes, or breaks, that “glow” everyone wants to achieve.
BFY: How do antioxidants benefit the skin?
TS: We're exposed to oxidative damage on a daily basis, through sun exposure, artificial light, pollution, the foods we may consume, and more. Oxidative damage affects the health of our skin, leading to premature aging, wrinkle formation, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Antioxidants protect the skin by combating oxidative damage, which is why my approach to skin health is both inside-out and outside-in. Topical antioxidants are an integral part of our daily skincare routine, as are the antioxidants we get from our diet and supplements.
BFY: What advice do you give to your clients/patients who are struggling with dull skin? Are there any other types of foods that you think are helpful to enhancing the skin's natural health?
TS: A diet high in sugar and processed food can cause acne, premature skin aging, and more. Focusing on a whole foods, low sugar, minimally processed diet can have such a positive impact on skin health. Healthy skin requires several key nutrients and antioxidants, and we can achieve this through nutrition and targeted supplementation. It's also important not to overlook how other aspects of our lifestyle can play into the health of our skin, such as sleep quality and exercise. Sleep is essential for collagen production, skin hydration, skin healing, and more. Exercise helps to boost circulation to the skin; have you ever noticed that post-exercise “glow”?
BFY: We’ve heard lots of different opinions on the benefits of water when it comes to skin health. What’s your opinion and experience with hydration?
TS: We are 60% water. Our skin requires adequate hydration in order to look plump and healthy. I find that premature aging (especially in the form of fine lines and wrinkles) starts to happen quicker in people that are chronically dehydrated.
BFY: A lot of our customers appreciate that we’re 100% plant-based, with dairy being a common food group they’re looking to avoid. In your opinion, why do so many people have reactions to dairy and why does it often cause skin problems?
TS: I see a lot of dairy sensitivity in my practice, most commonly in people with skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. If someone has a sensitivity to dairy, consuming dairy will cause systemic inflammation, which can manifest on the skin.
A big thanks for taking the time to smoothie-and-chat, Tessa.
Blended For Your Glow
The blends in this category include mega-doses of antioxidants and boosters/supplements like biotin, bamboo silica and spirulina. Specifically, the Acai Radiance, Greens Daily Dose, Greens D-tox, Acai Organic Bowl, Vita-C Immunity, and The Remedy, all include ingredients that work together from the inside to help you glow on the outside! Quick shop our Blended Beauty 12-Pack Combo.
Blended For Your Health Goals
One of the ways we help our customers understand which blends are right for them, is to focus on their key health goals (Blended For Health Goals). Then, we recommend further refining selections by taste preferences, so the blends are right for your health goals and taste buds). Email us any time if you have questions and/or would like help building your perfect box of blends (