Energize Your Holiday Season
The Holiday sprint is here, which means balancing a really hectic schedule and festive activities with your health. Keeping your immunity game strong and energy levels up is what Blended is all about, so we thought it would be a good time to share some tips and a mini health-reset we do when our bodies start to feel drained.
When you start to feel sluggish, bloated, brain fogged and generally run down, your body is telling you something. Gut health and nutrition play a huge role in all of the symptoms above (trust your gut!), which means even a quick heath-reset can go a long way in helping to reduce inflammation and bloating, increase energy and clear your mind.
Here are 5 things we do (or don't do) when our bodies need a healing and recharge break. Look ahead at your December calendar and mark the days that you can commit to following these simple diet and movement tips.
1. Avoid refined sugar & syrups: we know sugar is a thing during the holidays, so it's good to avoid it entirely on days when you don't have festive activities planned. Naturally occurring
2. Go Cow Dairy-free: skip the yogurt, milk, cheeses all together (small amounts of sheep & goat cheeses are fine). Dairy often causes inflammation in the body, so skip on your 'health focused' days.
3. Go whole foods & plant-based (or mostly plant-based): we love all things plant-based eating, but know it's not for everyone. During your reset days, avoid all non-organic animal protein and skip red meat. The focus: lots of fibre - veggies, fruits, grains (quinoa is a staple), sweet potatoes (and family), healthy fats, smaller amounts of proteins. Avoid processed and fried foods. If you'd like a foods list to follow, please email us here: Blended Clean Foods List
4. Get Fresh Air: exercise is often done with a mission to burn calories and exhaust the body. During a health reset day, opt for outdoor activities that don't punish and require your body to do heavy repair work, and also help clear your mind and support mental focus.
5. Be Beverage-Wise: one cup of coffee a day or pick tea as a better bet. No sugary drinks. Alcohol gets a break (go for zero units on your health reset days). Check the sodium content on bottled bevs. Drink loads of water (+ lemon &/or cucumber) and herbal teas.
Pro tip: your Blended smoothie, soup or chia bowl is a great way to make sure you're getting a big dose of immunity-boosting, energizing nutrients every day. Check out some of our top blend picks for mental and physical energy support in our Energy Collection.
If you'd like further info or help deciding which blends are right for your taste buds and health goals, please email us.
Happy Blending!